So, here I go, sharing 2 of my trade secrets to painting glass or chalkboards with Chalk Paint! And as usual, when I say Chalk Paint, I mean the one and only, trademarked name "Chalk Paint", which is Annie Sloan paint. I don't recommend other brands of paint that claim to be "Chalky" or "chalk type" because they do not contain the same patented ingredient combination that Annie Sloan trademarked over 20 years ago that is proven to stand up with wear and time.
The first step to painting on glass (for this post, we'll say an old window) or to create a chalkboard is to make sure your surface is bump free and dirt free. Because you'll be writing on it, the tiniest little bump or indention can create problems.
I clean the glass initially with a window cleaner and then follow with alcohol to ensure removal of any trace chemicals that can ruin the consistency and adhesion of your paint.
Wood surfaces, such as the cabinet door samples I show here, I simply sand lightly with a very fine grit paper.
Once you know you are working with a smooth, clean product, it's really not as simple as painting on the Chalk Paint and all of a sudden having a chalkboard. Not if you want it to have the look of an aged chalkboard and to last for years to come.
Here are the steps! Follow closely and I assure you that your quality outcome will be that like example I showed above that was used at a wedding and then kept to be reused many times over.
Supplies You Will Need:
Now that you have all your items, you're ready to get started!
1: clean
2: spray/prime
3: paint
4: seal - remember, no need to buff as you'll be painting over this coat. You are just applying the wax to lock in this coat.
You'll want to then let this completely cure overnight or for a good 24 hours.
Next, apply a thicker yet uniform coat of Graphite. Because you have the base spray coat, you can avoid problem edges by going just up to them instead of needing to coat inner corners and edges fully and risking overflow onto the wood,etc. Once it dries, you will not notice because of the base spray. NOTE..... You DO NOT seal it this time.

Now you are ready to season your chalkboard. If you write on your chalkboard without doing this first, whatever you write will be forever etched into it. You MUST season the board first! Do this by laying a piece of chalk on it's side and wiping over the entire board in all directions. Wipe off with a dry, clean towel and repeat.

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DISCLOSURE: ThriftyLittleThings.net is a PR Friendly personal blog written and edited by Wendy Kohn. The majority of what I post is based on my own ideas, thoughts and projects, for the sole purpose of sharing my passion. However, at times I do accept various forms of compensation such as paid topic insertions and/or products, monetary sponsorship, coupons and other forms of incentives from companies and organizations that I feel compliment the blog, and offer value to my readers. Compensation will never influence the content or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. As the owner of this blog, I am sometimes compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though I may receive compensation for posts or advertisements, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own and will NEVER be influenced by any form of compensation.
I love this and want to try it. How long do I wait between steps 2 & 3 and steps 3 & 4? I tried it and the Chalk Paint took off the spray paint. Thank You!