Have you ever had one of those days? You know the kind I’m talking about. Where you’re literally scrambling from the minute one of your kids wakes you up in the morning -- until the time you fall in bed that night.
You know you’ve worked hard and taken care of needs nonstop throughout the entire day, but it seems like there is very little to show for it.
Well, I am excited to introduce you to a course that will liberate you from that hamster wheel of exhaustion!
Many of you know that before the big couponing boom really took hold, I was a coupon/frugal blogger and grew that blog for 2 years and then sold it to continue my passion of DIY and furniture painting as I am now. Well, one of the original coupon/frugal/lifestyle bloggers during my time was and still is Crystal Paine of MoneySavingMom.com. If you are not familiar with her blog, you'll have to check it out! She shares a wealth of frugal lifestyle tips and has such a genuine heart. I just love her!
She has created the Make Over Your Mornings course to help you revolutionize your productivity, streamline your days, eliminate decision fatigue, cultivate your soul, and MORE!
Some of the topics covered in the 14-day course include:
Crystal has created this AMAZING 14-day course that takes a unique three-fold approach: a chapter to read, a video to watch, and a project to complete – all of which will take no more than 15 minutes of your time.
We all have time for that!
A tiny investment -- just 15 minutes of your day – can yield potentially amazing results for yourself and your family.
I have just started this course because my days seem hectic on end trying to manage the store, home, my kids and my grandbabies and never seem to have any down time or even breathe time! It's already been eye opening so I had to share it with you and if you feel like I do, I hope you will join me and share your results with me as I will with you all!
Head on over to MakeOverYourMornings and check out this fabulous course today!

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ThriftyLittleThings.com is a personal blog written and edited by Wendy Kohn. The majority of what I post is based on my own ideas, thoughts and projects, for the sole purpose of sharing my passion. However, as a full time Blogger, there are times that I do selectively accept various forms of compensations such as cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions and/or products and other forms of compensation and incentives from companies and organizations that I feel compliment the blog, and offer value to my readers. Compensation will never influence the content or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. As the owner of this blog, I am sometimes compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though I may receive compensation for posts or advertisements, I always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own and will NEVER be influenced by any form of compensation.
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