My youngest son is now 12, soon to be 13, and this is the first year he didn't have much interest in decorating the tree. With my oldest already 21 and 17, that left me by myself. Which was not as fun as years past. Any soon to be empty nesters, agree?
So, I took my time and carefully hung each of my coveted angels. A collection started many years ago by happenstance. My mother began giving me a new, unique angel every year and I love unpacking them each year.
My 3 year old GRANDbaby came to spend the night tonight. She came into the kitchen where I was prepping supper and yells "Mimi....come look what I did!!"
She took all of her necklaces, bracelets and sparkly jewelry and hung it on the tree.
Now THAT is what Christmas is about. Not the perfectly decorated tree...
So, here's our very imperfect tree this year that I absolutely adore. And gratitude to my GRANDbaby for reminding me that it's the SPARKLE that matters the most.
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